NEWS July 2024
Glioblastoma Awareness Day: July 17, 2024.
Here’s how you can help raise awareness on July 17:
- Tell your GBM story on your personal social media (please tag @OurBrainBank)
- Like and share our posts on your socials: our Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, or Instagram, or videos from our TikTok or YouTube
- Use hashtags #GBMDay #GlioblastomaAwarenessDay #OurBrainBank #BTSM (Brain Tumor Social Media)
- Take our survey on disparities in GBM treatment (USA, age 18+) and share the link
- Give to OurBrainBank or do a Facebook fundraiser or start a campaign on GiveLively
If you’d like a custom graphic with a photo of you or your loved one or would like to make a video for our YouTube or TikTok, please write us at Please include the name the life dates of the person you’re memorializing.
Sample posts:
July 17 is Glioblastoma Awareness Day. Glioblastoma is a rare and deadly type of brain tumor and desperately needs funding and more awareness. Learn more about GBM on
#GBMDay #GlioblastomaAwarenessDay #GBM #glioblastoma #GBMRights #BTSM
#OurBrainBank #UseYourBrains
Please help us spread the word about glioblastoma, a rare and deadly type of brain cancer on July 17, GBM Awareness Day. RTs appreciated. Learn more:
#GBMDay #GlioblastomaAwarenessDay #GBM #glioblastoma #GBMRights #BTSM #UseYourBrains #OurBrainBank
To use the below graphic, right click to download, then share with hashtags #GBMDay #GlioblastomaAwarenessDay #GBM #glioblastoma #GBMRights #BTSM #OurBrainBank #UseYourBrains #OurBrainBank