Adam Hayden on his back-up plan.
A hot take on living with GBM for a long time.
Adam Hayden, a long-time friend of OurBrainBank, writes with honesty and dark humor (but not too dark) about what it’s like living with glioblastoma way past the usual prognosis.
“The a brain tumor hot take that nobody asked for,” I tapped out on my phone one day recently. I’m not a fan of appealing to dictionaries to frame up an essay, but Google returned a decent one for hot take:
A piece of commentary, typically produced quickly in response to a recent event, whose primary purpose is to attract attention.
I guess that gets it pretty right. I continued tapping, “The general brain tumor emotional landscape splits into extremes: fearful, uncertain, and grieving or overcompensatingly energetic and ready to fight.”